
Hello, I am vivek.

my skills

HTML is a building block for any websites. It provide a structure to web pages.

CSS is used for styling html elements. HTML and CSS works together to provide great looking websites

JavaScript is a programming language which is used for many things. Before nodejs, It was only a tool for adding interactions on websites. But, when nodejs was invented. JavaScript can do everything. You can create mobile applications, desktop applications, web applications, you can also write server side code with JavaScript.

Bootstrap is css library. This helps us to build webpages faster. It gives us pre made class to use.

Sass is preprocessor for css. Sass gets compiled to css. Browser does not understand sass.

Reactjs is a library of javascript which is used to create single page application(SPAs). It is created by facebook and maintained by open source community.

Typescript is a super set javascript. Typescript is basically javascript with added features. It adds types to javascript. Every valid javascript is a valid typescript

about me

Hello, I am vivek.I wanted to be a self-taught front end developer. I can build static websites. I am looking for an opportunity. You can check my projects at here. Great software build by great team. I participate in different hackthons to build projects with teams. You can check my devpost profile vivek80801

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